Condiciones de uso

l. Restrictions on use
The CAD data provided is and remains the property of TENTE International GmbH. The data may be used exclusively for the company registered with the user name. The disclosure of data to third parties is expressly prohibited without the written consent of TENTE International GmbH. If the user is a company, a contractual penalty of €5,100 shall be agreed for each case of infringement of the prohibition on disclosure.


II. Dimensional accuracy
No warranty can be given for the correctness of the disclosed CAD data. Design tolerances are possible in the case of individual products. If in doubt, speak to your TENTE advisor;


III. Changes
The disclosed CAD data is not subject to an updating service. TENTE reserves the right to make adjustments at any time. In the event of technical changes, the client company itself is responsible for the update;


IV. Use of data
A log is kept of the requested CAD data. The data obtained may be used by TENTE for customer consultation purposes. The data will not be disclosed to companies that are not part of TENTE's sales network.


V. Venue
In all disputes arising from the contractual relationship, if the user is a registered trader, a legal person under public law or a special public law entity, action shall be brought before the court responsible for the headquarters or branch office of the supplier making the delivery. The supplier is also entitled to take legal action at the headquarters of the customer;


The TENTE CAD service is provided by CADENAS GmbH.
Please also check the terms of use at

TENTE International GmbH
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 7
D - 50668 Köln
Court of Registry Köln HRB 59645

Managing Directors:
Diplom Kaufmann Peter Fricke
Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) Thomas Demmerling, MBA

Sales Tax Identification Number according to § 27 a Sales Tax Act: DE 190 161 774

© Copyright:

Reprinting and reproduction, in whole or in part, is not permitted without the express permission of TENTE International GmbH.